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Data Privacy Week 2024

Data has become one of the most critical assets for individuals and businesses. In today’s fast-paced digital world, data continues to gain significance due to its role in business operations. The rapid exchange of information has reshaped how we interact and share experiences in our digitally interconnected world. This significance is further fueled by organizations’ reliance on data for decision-making and strategic planning.

As organizations prioritize data-driven insights, ensuring the security and reliability of data has become crucial. As the custodians of our data, it is our foremost responsibility to ensure data privacy. Recognizing the importance of this responsibility, the International Data Privacy Week is an initiative that not only highlights the critical importance of safeguarding data privacy but also creates awareness on how end users can take necessary steps to protect their data. Let’s explore how data privacy can be achieved.

Review Your Privacy Settings

By minimizing the amount of personal information that you disclose online, you reduce risks of unauthorized access, identity theft, and potential misuse of your data. Reviewing and adjusting privacy settings on online platforms empowers you to customize the visibility of your content, ensuring that only those you trust have access to your details.

Limit Data Collection

Limiting data collection is a pivotal step in safeguarding your privacy in the digital landscape. When creating accounts or signing up for services, adhere to the principle of providing only the essential personal information required. This practice not only protects your privacy but also minimizes the potential impact of a data breach or unauthorized access.

Avoid Granting Unwanted Permissions to Access Your Information

Exercise caution when granting permissions to apps on your devices. Many applications request access to various features or data points that may not be directly related to their core functionality. By limiting unnecessary permissions, you reduce the risk of providing ready access to sensitive data, enhancing overall control over your digital environment.

Say No to Cookies

Internet Cookies are small blocks of information that are generated by web servers that inform browsers about the personalized experiences of an end user. For example, ecommerce websites use cookies to know what products users have placed in their shopping carts. Cookies can be used to record browsing activity that can be used for advertising or even malicious purposes. It is thus advised to only accept relevant and necessary cookies.

Always Read the Online Privacy Terms and Conditions

Never disregard the terms and conditions that pop up when you are visiting a new site or are signing up for social media as these points dictate the usage of your data by these applications and websites. It is not beneficial for you to give them legal undertaking for using your data as freely as they want, for example, the popular FaceApp was criticized for sharing user’s personal data with Russian authorities.

In conclusion, understanding how your data is managed, stored, and utilized by third parties, including applications and websites, empowers you to take an active role in securing your personal information and maintaining data privacy.

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